Monday, April 5, 2010

Question for today-

1. An anesthetist orders a new attendant to bring the oxygen cylinder. He will ask the attendant to identify the correct cylinder by following color code:

1.Black cylinder with white shoulders.
2.Black cylinder with gray shoulders.
3.White cylinder with black shoulders.
4.Grey cylinder with white shoulders.

Ans. 1

2. An increase in which of the following parameters will shift the O2 dissociation curve to the left.

1. Temperature.
2. Partial pressure of CO2
3. 2,3 DPG concentration.
4. Oxygen affinity of haemoglobin.

Ans. 4

3. A 30 year old man came to the outpatient department because he had suddenly developed double vision. On examination it was found that his right eye, when at rest, was turned medially. The most likely anatomical structures involved are:

1.Medial rectus and superior division of oculmotor nerve.
2.Inferior oblique and inferior division of oculomotor nerve.
3.Lateral rectuas and abducent nerve.
4.Superior rectus and trochlear nerve.

Ans. 3

4. Which of the following is present intracellularly in muscle cells:

1. Insulin.
2. Corticosteroid.
3. Epinephrine.
4. Glucagon.

Ans. 2

5. Elemental iron and folic acid contents of pediatric iron-folic acid tablets supplied under Rural child Health (RCH) Program are:

1. 20 mg iron & 100 micrograms folic acid.
2. 40 mg iron & 100 micrograms folic acid.
3. 40 mg iron & 50 micrograms folic acid.
4. 60 mg iron & 100 micrograms folic acid.


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